Rare coins capture our imagination unlike any other collectible. Their rarity makes them precious, while the history behind each unique piece tells a story.
In this blog, we’ll highlight five thought-provoking reasons why you, as a smart investor, should buy rare coins in bulk:
- To Diversify Your Portfolio. Rare coins provide a tangible asset class that isn’t tied to stocks, bonds, or real estate. Adding rare coins to your investment portfolio helps insulate you from inflation and market volatility in these traditional investments.
- Rare Coins Have High Liquidity. Did you know that a coin collector is known as a numismatist? Well, there are plenty of them looking to buy rare coins, either as a hobby or for their rare value. This creates a lively marketplace where you can readily sell rare coins for a tidy profit. Plus, pawn shops and gold dealers ensure there’s a ready market for these collectibles.
- They Have Secure Value. Unlike everyday coins, rare coins carry the intrinsic value of bullion and mintage scarcity. This built-in value persists regardless of economic conditions.
- They Have Guaranteed Profitability. Rare coins can only get rarer. Only 2% of coins ever minted in American history still exist, and this figure will only drop as more coins are lost or damaged. As the supply of rare coins shrinks, their prices will likely rise.
- They are a Private Store of Wealth. Once you buy rare coins, you aren’t legally required to declare them as assets. Therefore, they offer a discreet wealth advantage that suits some investors. Unlike cash in the bank, rare coins let you hold tangible value confidentially.
At Carolina Silver & Gold, we have an exquisite collection of rare coins on display at our Greensboro, North Carolina pawn shop. Come admire these remarkable numismatic treasures and begin investing in your financial future with them today!