Do You Need Appraisal Services?

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Sure, your family heirloom might look expensive, but how much is it actually worth? It can be hard to determine the monetary value of an item just by looking at it, especially when you don’t know what criteria you need to be looking for. The best way to find the value of an item is through appraisal services.  Appraisal services are performed by an authorized specialist who has extensive knowledge about your particular item. Here are a few examples as to why you would need such services:

Do You Need Appraisal Services?

  • Value of item: Though already mentioned, this is one of the biggest reasons for getting an appraisal. You could find that a stamp or coin collection has a few very valuable pieces, or your grandmother’s necklace is actually worth a lot. Or you could find that a piece of jewelry is made from faux gems and isn’t worth what you thought.
  • Estate settlement: A loved one can leave behind a lot when they pass away. Between property, bank accounts, assets, investments, possessions, and more, everything needs to be accounted for in determining the worth of what was left behind. In order to get a proper estimate, you will need to get an appraisal when settling an estate.
  • Insurance coverage: Knowing what something is worth can be a key factor when deciding what kind of insurance to get. If you have something particularly valuable in your possession, you’re likely going to want decent insurance coverage in place if something goes wrong.

Come visit us at Carolina Silver & Gold for our appraisal services today!