It seems like coins are hardly used for anything but small amounts of change when buying groceries or fast food. In fact, you’re probably making most of your purchases with a credit or debit card to avoid having to carry large amounts of change. But even though you might not use coins for purchases that often, you can still put your change to good use if you decide to sell coins. You can sell coins and turn that petty change into cash, if you’ve got the right coins, that is.
- Rare coins: For one reason or another, there are some coins that were only produced in a limited amount. Some U.S. coins that are determined to be rare enough to be worth a lot of cash include silver half dollars from before 1970, some dollar coins from 2000, and copper pennies from 1943.
- Mistake coins: More examples of rare coins are made rare thanks to error. Some of these “mistake” coins include double die pennies from 1955 and 1969, the 1999 Connecticut quarter with a “broadstruck,” the 2005 Kansas quarter that reads “In God We Rust,” and the 2004 Wisconsin quarter that has an extra leaf on the corn cob.
- Old coins: Old coins are likely to have the highest cash value. For example, the 1794 silver dollar was sold for ten million dollars in 2013. The 1870 dollar coin featuring a seated Liberty can be worth over a million dollars. You could even turn a nickel with the Liberty head form 1913 into over three million dollars.
If you’re looking to sell coins or add to your collection, come see us at Carolina Silver & Gold today!