When you’re in a tight spot and need a quick financial solution, sometimes the only way out is to borrow. Luckily, there are many outlets for getting emergency credit, from banks to payday loan services. But what if we told you a pawn shop might actually be the best option?
Granted, some television shows have given pawnbrokers a bad rap. However, the reality could not be more different, especially when you involve a trustworthy pawn shop like ours at Carolina Silver & Gold. Here are some unique benefits of getting emergency credit from a pawn shop.
- Hassle-free. Quickness is one of the biggest advantages of getting emergency credit from a pawn shop. All you have to do is go to the shop with a valuable item, pawn it, and walk out with cash in hand within a few minutes. You won’t need to fill out application forms or sit through lengthy credit checks.
- Flexible payments. A bank will charge you steep late fees and nag you constantly with calls whenever you’re late on your payments. They might even seize your collateral and sell it for much less than its value when you cannot pay. On the other hand, a pawn shop will easily give you an extension. And if you fail to pay, they’ll just keep the pawned item whose value is equivalent to your loan. Plus, this won’t affect your credit score in any way.
Overall, visiting a pawn shop for a quick loan is a stress-free solution worth considering. If you live in the Greensboro, North Carolina area and would like to quick loan option, visit our pawn shop today.